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Category: News

The Hill We Climb: Amanda Gorman’s Inaugural Poem

Mr. President, Dr. Biden, Madame Vice-President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and the world, When day comes we ask ourselves, Where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade We braved the belly of the beast We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace And the norms and notions

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Canada’s Illustrious Filipino Laid To Rest

  SENATOR TOBIAS ENVERGA JR. may be considered one of the most Illustrious Filipino-Canadians in this country. He was the first FilipinoCanadians to serve in the Senate of Canada after his appointment to the red chamber by then Prime Minister Stephen Harper five years ago. I will not forget the first time I was introduced

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Ika-150 Kaarawan Canada

As the country celebrates its sesquicentennial anniversary, Filipino-Canadians look at its contribution to Canada’s multicultural society Are you 148? 149? 150? To which Canada yells, from coast-to-coast, “Stop, eh!” Canada will celebrate its 150th year of confederation come July 1st, but the party has begun since the fireworks lit up the night sky during the

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Fire Mummies and Hanging Coffins

By Adam Karlin The first time I saw a backyard in the high mountains of the province of Benguet, Philippines, I wasn’t shown a pleasant garden, a trampoline, or other assorted typical symbols of an American lawn. I was shown a charnel house— shelves packed with hundreds of skulls and femurs, like I had stumbled

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KUBO Magazine - FCPACE

A Voice for Authentic Catholic Faith Formation

The Filipino Canadian Parents Association in Catholic Education: Faith. Family. Formation. Three interwoven and significant tenets that make up the guiding light which spells challenge and propels action. With a strong faith in Divine guidance, and believing in the beauty of the human spirit, a group of Filipino Canadian Catholic parents and teachers in Toronto

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Joseph Morong: Staying in the Story

He described the beat as boring and not sexy. Stories for peace, or what he considered were stories for peace. A wavy-haired, sturdy man of mid-thirties, with legs crossed tightly, he fashioned his talk on communicating the message of the marginalized. A decade and a half had passed since he graduated with distinction from the

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