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The honey-coloured yellow walls brightened the living interiors, spotlights beaming at his paintings. Like a mini art gallery, his works of art formed a cultural mosaic that made its way …

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Sofia Cope Overcoming Self-Doubt and Pursuing Growth

We are often so caught up in our daily lives that we forget to do what makes us happy. Or maybe we’re already there, but we continue to struggle with …

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From M16 to JOHN 3:16

When Don Quilao got a letter to be a part of the Canadian delegation to Asia in the fall of 2012, he thought it was a spam and decided to …

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Faith, Family & Service: The Pillars of Leadership

Lt.-Col Joseph Nonato shares how he leads the Royal Regiment of Canada, the largest and oldest regiment in the country   Lt.-Col. Joseph Nonato felt a big gaping hole in …

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A Weekend at Sandbanks

Don’t bother getting into a plane if you’re into sandy beaches and cool water. There are several beaches that will surely provide the relaxing and perfect summer weekend getaway you are looking for. More so, they are only a few hours drive from Toronto. One of them is Sandbanks Provincial

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In the wake of #metoo and recent school shooting in Florida, I began to question “who was responsible?” The #metoo points out that women were the victims. Victims…the word itself did not sit too well with me. Why do we need to be victims? Why are we so afraid to

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30+ Civic Ideas for Toronto’s Filipino Town

From a bitterly cold stretch to a pleasant weather for much of the cosmolis, the new season is accompanied by new beginnings. While spring could easily be associated with lumpia for us Filipinos (hello, spring rolls?), this author touts a few things for our blossoming community. Unwrapping my wishlist on

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The Hill We Climb: Amanda Gorman’s Inaugural Poem

Mr. President, Dr. Biden, Madame Vice-President, Mr. Emhoff, Americans and the world, When day comes we ask ourselves, Where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade We braved the belly of the beast We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace

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My Top 10 Filipino Female Celeb Instagram Accounts

I created my first Instagram account (@joifulworld) on October 1st, 2017. But although I was still fairly new, I started following not just family and friends, but I also checked out hundreds of IG accounts of famous celebs, local and abroad. So I came up with my top 10 list

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7 Tips to Budget for a Trip

There’s so much of the world to see that it would be a shame to waste it. This year, why not sit down and see if you can actually afford to go? From predicting seat sales to catching hotel early bird bookings, the secret to a low-cost trip is all

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Fire Mummies and Hanging Coffins

By Adam Karlin The first time I saw a backyard in the high mountains of the province of Benguet, Philippines, I wasn’t shown a pleasant garden, a trampoline, or other assorted typical symbols of an American lawn. I was shown a charnel house— shelves packed with hundreds of skulls and

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